Welcome to Embody

As you peruse these lines, reflect on your life and consider where you find yourself. Are you where you envisioned? Does your reality reflect the rich architecture of your dreams and ambitions?

In your consideration, consider delving into Embody, the transformative statement that harmonizes the visionary within you with your dreams and ambitions lived out-loud and in color.

You'll find Embody meticulously designed for high-performance achievers like you, who are not just searching for potential but are ready to activate it. 

Embody is tailored to propel you from the realm of possibility into the arena of efficacy, ensuring your growth evolves from what could be, to manifesting what will be.

Discover Deep Self-Awareness: Unravel the layers of your essence to reveal your core values, strengths, and potential areas for directional growth.
Master Emotional Intelligence: Navigate the flow state of personal and professional relationships with poise, grace and authenticity.
Optimize Your Personal Operating System: Recalibrate the foundational beliefs and mental conditioning habits that influence decisions that steer your life's trajectory.

What Sets Embody Apart

In just under 2 decades, FOCUS® education has become a highly regarded and trusted source for delivering accurate, quality courses, coaching, and retreats. We believe we've earned the right to confidently state: "Education you can trust, results you can measure."

Embody delivers as always, just what you need to progress: 

Integration of Multidisciplinary Frameworks: Embody synthesizes insights from psychology, neuroscience, leadership, and personal development to offer a unique, holistic approach to transformation.
Practical, Actionable Strategies: Beyond theoretical knowledge, Embody equips you with feasible, real-world strategies to effect meaningful change and development.
Lifelong Learning: Participation in Embody opens the door to continuous growth, with resources, alumni networks, and further development opportunities.

You Are the Idea and the Experience.

Move From Potential to Efficacy.

Discovering your potential can be a moment of profound enlightenment—a realization of what could be. Yet, the true test of personal development is moving beyond the discovery phase into one of active transformation. This requires a shift from contemplation to action, from possibility to realization. It is here that efficacy becomes the beacon guiding this journey.
Efficacy, especially in the context of the "Embody" course, encompasses much more than the capacity for success; it represents the practical application of knowledge, skills, and mindset to navigate the path from 'who you are' to 'who you aspire to be.' It transcends the theoretical, grounding the journey in the real and the achievable.

Transitioning to a state of efficacy demands clear, strategic planning. It's about identifying specific objectives, delineating actionable steps, and committing to a course of action that bridges the gap between current reality and envisioned success.

"As we were writing Embody, the excitement was electric and breathtaking. We had no doubt about Embody as the follow-up course to "Say Yes to You" was going to free so many women and men from not living fulfilled lives."

Master Coach Dino, FOCUS® Content Creator, CEO

Embody is Embraced by Men.

Embody may sound as if it's for women only. However, we don't separate men and women under the BM&W brand for a reason: we've been separated by others and ourselves for far too long. We're in this together.

Embody facilitates this process, offering a structured framework within which individuals and partners can craft their pathway to transformation. It guides participants in finalizing strategies that align with their goals, ensuring that every action taken is a step toward self-actualization.

Efficacy as the Exclusive Next Step

The passage from recognizing potential to embodying efficacy is an aggressive yet rewarding transition. It's about harnessing the unlocked potential and channeling it towards strategic, purposeful outcomes. "Embody" stands as the exclusive next step in this developmental arc because it not only anticipates the challenges inherent in this transition but also provides the tools, knowledge, and support necessary to overcome them. It is tailored for individuals ready to elevate their journey from potential to efficacy, equipping them with everything they need to realize their envisioned success.

"Cursus fusce nec, sagittis imperdiet litora, vestibulum ut netus sed. Nec tellus egestas fusce, primis tincidunt dictum libero tellus."

What our customers have to say

Cras justo odio, dapibus ac facilisis in, egestas eget quam. Etiam porta sem malesuada magna mollis euismod.

96% of verified customers rated their experience at 5 out of 5.

Jayne Dew

Integer posuere erat a ante venenatis dapibus posuere velit aliquet. Donec ullamcorper nulla non metus auctor fringilla.

Jake Bloom

Nulla vitae elit libero, a pharetra augue. Curabitur blandit tempus porttitor. Donec ullamcorper nulla non metus auctor fringilla.

Frequently asked questions

Nullam quis risus eget urna mollis?

Lectus ipsume lacusa sagitt platea intege vertis semper venena portti proina vulput evenie tempor dolors laoret minim.

Cras mattis consectetur purus sit?

Laoret portti proina vulput platea ipsume vertis lacusa evenie sagitt venena intege dolors tempor semper lectus minim.

Inceptos congue mauris aene lacinia?

Sagitt evenie laoret minim vulput lacusa ipsume venena platea semper lectus tempor portti proina dolors vertis intege.

Mauris congue integer bibendum nulla?

Evenie vertis platea laoret minim tempor ipsume lacusa vulput dolors portti semper venena intege proina lectus sagitt.

Potenti integer purus lorem ipsum dolor?

Venena platea vulput vertis minim dolors sagitt tempor intege proina ipsume semper lectus evenie portti laoret lacusa.

Phasellus enim sit amet con sectetur?

Vertis proina lectus portti platea intege minim tempor venena dolors vulput evenie ipsume lacusa sagitt laoret semper.

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Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus.

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