Education You Can Trust - Results You Can Measure
Learn and apply the transformative power of Emotional Intelligence and gain unlimited power to achieve your greatest goals and ambitions for the rest of your life.
You will BE Educated with accurate, comprehensive course material to magnify your learning experience.
EQ24 gives you Live Coaching to impact your understanding and answer your questions immediately.
You will BE Empowered by professionals in correlation to who you are becoming.
EQ24 Live Coaching helps you uncover, recover, and discover new potential and possibilities.
You will HAVE a measuring process to gauge your progress, potential, and growth possibilities.
EQ24 shows you how to implement and grow to give you the best opportunity at consistent results.
You will always HAVE a system for advanced solutions and remain achievement oriented.
EQ24 will impact your ability to achieve in every area of your life, relationships, and more.
"If you're not refining yourself based on a vision for your future, then you're left being predictable through memories of your past." -Joe Dispenzer
Does your inner-voice challenge you at every turn? How often are you reminded of who you’re not and what you can’t accomplish? Who's even in-charge of that voice? How do you begin to change your life's narrative?
There's many reasons why people don't have or can't find the ability to move through inner-voice resistance that seems to know exactly when you're planning to achieve on the highest level.
Everyone is unique in their own way. However, the solution and the level to which you're able to grow is at your fingertips. Exhilaration and achievability begins with you.
Its a New Year and you've done 1 of 2 things already:
1- You didn't create any new goals because you're already convinced that you're not going to keep your word to yourself.
2- You're still in the planning stages of setting things up and you have to keep moving the start date back because other needs and things are preventing you from starting off strong. (Now would be the time to click the button)
Everyone has an inner voice. It's just some have learned various solutions to not allow it to limit their progress in life. Your 'inner-voice' can destroy your confidence, relationships, and your ability to achieve on some of the highest levels life has to offer. Your inner voice can speak to you so much that you create a 'representative or avatar' to reason with it and lighten the intensity blows of hurt, anguish, and pain.
Your inner voice can also be your best friend. Emotions are habitual, acute in memory, and are the reason we're able to live life. Yet, through years of conscious and unconscious conditioning, the creation of blind-spots, and so much more. Our healthy or unhealthy emotional seasons, storms, and cycles are fueled by inner voice conversations.
The great news is, in application of the lessons inside of EQ24, you will breakthrough and elevate your emotional awareness, regulation, motivation, empathy, and social awareness. You're going to learn the secret to uncovering, recovering, and discovering access to your natural greatness every single day. It's all a matter of learning, accepting, and working through it.
Emotionally intelligent women are recognized by others as confident woman in the room. She is characterized as intimidating with an aura of wisdom illuminating her presence.
Her poise is a natural strength stemming from what she knows, who she is, and how she conducts herself. She can be the quiet one at the table or the center of attention. You know her based on her knowing eyes and calm, yet assertive communication style.
Among her peers she is well respected and often called upon to settle disputes, bring calm in a crisis or bring reason where none exists. She is a go-getter who understands the value of work, purpose, and vision.
If she has children, they are raised and taught different, as they are a direct reflection of her thinking and approach to people, places and things.
Emotionally intelligent committed or married couples are quiet power couples out to share themselves with others before they get back to where they're most valued, loved, and cared for: with each other.
Combining 2 emotionally intelligent traits of characteristics is exactly what it is: the unbreakable chain. Chances are they've developed chemistry and synchrony between themselves and for good reason.
They protect themselves and each other from the people, places, and things disaccord to who they are and what they are becoming. They are responsible and committed to family and friends. Yet, nothing comes before they tend to each other's needs. It's their reality.
They have it all: understanding, love, joy, and communication. They value alone time to discuss, share and dream, to name a few.
Emotionally intelligent men are considered rare commodities, but they reside in plain sight for those with a particular eye to see.
He’s the guy you can talk to, depend on, and who offers an example of what a man should be, could be, and is very well becoming. You know them through constant demonstration of what they believe and how they achieve.
If for any reason they have to explain who or how they are, they can communicate it well. His self-description is confident, intelligent, and his vision for his life is built around principles and standards every person, especially women will not initially recognize.
His dating and relationship quest are mostly about seeking a life partner who can add significant value and stability to his vulnerabilities, as well as help manage his confident life and lifestyle.
We're all conditioned to believe and live the way our favorite celebrity and social media influencers live. Only to learn their emotional lives are no different than ours.
Meanwhile, they've filled us with inaccurate beliefs about our character, our health, our relationships, and our money. The truth is we're doing way too much for the wrong reasons and without sound reasoning.
EQ24 contains lessons and tools for you to improve your thought-leadership and become the celebrity of your world. When your confidence, self regulation, and authenticity levels grow accurately, you're on the straight path to self mastery.
Your new path will include a higher rate of goal achievement that you won't recognize yourself. There's nothing you won't be able to accomplish in application.
You deserve to take this stand and begin your personal development revolution.
Getting started always seems difficult when you've spent quality time: 1- telling yourself negative things about yourself, 2- convincing yourself you can't do it, and 3- talking yourself out of opportunities consistently.
Your greatest failure is not living up to the expectation and standards you've set for your own life. Everyone makes promises to themselves, but everyone doesn't break them!
You need to FOCUS! As a matter of fact, you need the 5 Steps to FOCUS! Done!!
Just Added: The 5 Steps to FOCUS pre-course is included into your EQ24 Live Coaching Course. It will help you to get yourself organized and situated to efficiently and effectively prioritize the course lessons.
If there one thing we know about EQ24 is; the educational power, knowledgeable coaches, and the material handouts put you on your own path to greatness.
As you become more aware of your emotional aptitudes, you also become more aware of others. Your increased wisdom alone is more than enough to silently or loudly celebrate.
The best and most practical way to get something you feel you deserve is to give it to your damn self. Using EQ24, you'll give yourself a plethora of unique opportunities. The ones you're in position for and the one's you'll create.
We're talking life, relationships, career, business, investing. Whatever! EQ24 has always been touted by BM&W as the essential glue to everything else in the transformative and personal development space. It's time You Recognize You!
What everyone learns inside of our coaching courses and retreats is this: you're going to uncover your purpose inside of FOCUS® Life Work.
FOCUS® Life Work is literally 'iron sharpening iron' or 'people sharpening people.'
Our Life Work community is a vibrant tapestry of individuals who value empowerment, inclusivity, and the relentless pursuit of success. We believe in the power of education, clear communication, and practical advice to navigate the complexities of life.
Whether personal development, relationships, visionary achievement, financial education, investing or trading. These amazing members are committed to painting a lifestyle masterpiece of themselves as apart of their legacy.
Not to brag or boast among others who truly do not care. But for those community members just beginning to understand how one lives, learns, leads, and leaves a legacy.
do it yourself
live coaching
EQ24 + The Accountability Group (TAG)
We have a Strict Money Back Guarantee Policy!
EQ24 course is 16 hours of live group coaching, with an additional 2-6 hrs of 1-on-1 coaching.
EQ24 is going to add value to every area of your life. More specifically, you, your relationships, and your achievement processes. You're going to accomplish more using the lessons in EQ24.
Yes, there are about 2-3 different ways you can pay over time.
EQ24 doesn't go into your past. However, once you learn the power of uncovering to recover, and recovering to discover, you might decide to go deeper. And our professional, certified coaches are here to help you do so.
Yes, based on 2 or more people registering as a group, you and/or the entire group can receive a discount. We just need to know how many people are joining and we get back to you with a non-negotiable price.
EQ24 isn't designed to solve anything for you. EQ24 offers you the education and coaching to address and solve your own challenges. You can only get out of it, what you're willing to put into it.
Copyright © Beautiful Men & Women, Inc. All Rights Reserved
FOCUS® Free Of Challenges Undermining Success. All Rights Reserved.